
I should mention about couple of sites I recently come across. First is a counter that counts the visits to the pages - ShinyStat It is not just a counter but also tells about the referrers and other statistics such as different browsers used by visitors, their operating systems etc.

It is because of the ShinyStat that I came to know that my blog has been listed on the website maintaing collection of marathi blogs - I was amazed by looking at the collection of the blog sites that are in marathi - completely or partially. Because of the listing on this site, my page views went up at least by 45%. It feels good that so many people are reading my blog :)

Now the last one - my friend - Manish, who gave me the idea and software - Baraha that helped me in writing marathi blog.

Thanks to Manish, ShinyStat and

(P.S: I don't yet know how I got listed on website ... )


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