Popular Book Shop

It was time to use the gift voucher I had received sometime back. The voucher was issued by Popular Book House located on Deccan just next to Good Luck. I had never been to this book store and hence I was very enthusiastic to check out this shop. The shop is there for quite a few years, but I never had visited it.

Being a regular visitor of Crossword and Odyssey, I am used to the kind of book arrangements, space etc. I had my expectations lowered, given that the shop was not a big one, but definitely was expecting some organized display. But to my disappointment, the shop turned out to be much more chaotic. The section names and the books in that section were not really matching. Cooking, Health and Yoga are stacked in rack. Management, Self Help books were scattered all over. It was very difficult to check if you were looking for a particular category.

Meghana had a reference of one of the management books - name and the author. Thankfully the owner (or manager?) knew the book and where it was located and it saved us the effort of finding it in that pile. While scanning through those stacks I picked up some unusual stuff - a book by Osho. This was something I wanted to try out for quite some time. I had read a very good references in many of the books by Va. Pu. and was willing to try my luck. Let's see if I can digest what Osho has said in that book :)

We picked up two-three books along with few CDs (VCD/DVDs) and then it was a time to pay the bill. With due dilligence, I presented the voucher on the counter. I was expected it to be a smooth operation given that there was only one voucher and rest was to be paid by the CC. But the cashier goofed up something. With some luck, I happened to check the bill in details to see the reference to the deduction on account of the voucher, which I failed to see. The cashier was clueless and had to redo the calculations, gave us a fresh receipt and difference amount was given back in cash. The original receipt showed the discounted amount as some Rs 164, whereas the voucher amount was Rs 200. We are still wondering how did that cashier managed to get that odd amount of discount on the receipt.

On the whole it wasn't a very pleasant experience to shop at this book store. There are very rare chances that I would drop down to this shop in future.


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