Daily Deal Aggregator - when would I get one for India?

Yipit is a daily deal aggregator which is providing value added service on top of the daily deals provided by various sites. As per this report on TechCrunch, the service currently caters to 335 deals in 32 cities and is having 250,000 subscriptions already.
The value that Yipit adds is the interest based deals sent to you in an aggregated email. You can store your preferences (e.g. Restaurants and Yoga, but nothing on hair loss treatment) and based on that the deals will be sent to you. Of course, you would get the deals in your city or the city that you subscribe for. Another interesting value add is "deals near you". Apparently each deal is accompanied with location information, which is mapped with the address that you provide (optional) and then you can get the deals which are closer to your address.
I feel this is a very cool aggregation and has very good potential, especially in the domain of location aware mobile app. I should be able to find out the deals in the area where I am currently located in - would work best for the restaurants and apparel, which I am more likely to avail even at the run time.
Even in India we are having quite a few daily deals site (SnapDeal, Dealivore, Times Deal, Deals n You, sosasta and many more). I believe, something similar can also be made available given the market size of the Indian consumers. More and more population is getting tech savvy and is getting equipped with mid-to-high end phones (location enabled either through GPS or AGPS) and Indian users would be happy to receive such service for Indian Daily Deals as well.

On a flip side, I think the deal sites may not be really happy because these aggregator services would really be putting in the competitors together. The users who are not aware of dealsites, they would get to know of many more and diverting the revenue from one deal site to another. While this is good for the consumers, what would businesses think about such service?


Unknown said…
well a daily deal aggregator for #delhi http://geodeal.in
Anonymous said…
Your content is shows potential, m gona add this to my bookmarks.
uk deals
Unknown said…
Check out the MasalaDeal, a deal aggregator in India : http://www.masaladeal.com/

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