Welcome to New Era In India and The World

As Mr. Narendra Modi took oath yesterday, hist official journey as 15th Prime Minister of India started. Well, almost everything has been written about his journey until now and we'd all see how it goes from here.

This particular blog is to express what I felt yesterday evening as I watched the ceremony. Not once in my memory I had the excitement to watch the oath ceremony. Forget that I didn't even care if it was being telecast live or not. But, yesterday was different. I was super excited to watch this live telecast and as I watched it, it gave me goosebumps. Right from the national anthem until Mr. Modi completed his oath and formally became the Prime Minister of India. 

I see a sense of achievement in this. I had been a supporter of Mr. Modi right from the time he was announced the Prime Ministerial Candidate by BJP. Then was carefully reading news about his, listening to his speeches wherever available and whenever time permitted. He has carved out a victory with meticulous planning. He and his team has done a tremendous job in understanding ground realities and using them to connect with people during the campaigns. I surely hope this continues even after the historic victory. 

The reason his victory is important is because he has reinstated the faith and pride in our Indianness. He has shown us his commitment to make India a stronger and better country through his own and his team's work. He is taking bold steps to ensure he leads from the front and that too with some creative thinking. Inviting SAARC leaders was a great move (I had to read up a lot to understand why he did that..) and so is this lean cabinet. Message is clear. International politics can not be dictated by internal rivalry nor the ministerial berths are for rehabilitation or a reward for being with party or politics for decades. It means business.

The news about how Mr. Modi has got running the moment he became Prime-Minister-Designate. All the secretaries are assembling the data to be presented to the PM as soon as he takes over, which includes the achievements in last 10 years, what went wrong and the action plan for next 5 years. Having complete majority on his side, Mr. Modi is taking full ownership and would make everyone work harder. This is very similar to a CEO of a startup, who doesn't rest even at the last moment, makes everyone work harder, help them stretch beyond the limits and conquers the fears

Having a great hope is fine, but it also makes you dependent on the light bearer. As a Indian, each one of us also needs to ensure that this victory is utilized in the favor of nation and everyone makes maximum use of it. Commit to the nation building by simply committing to do your job - as an employee, as an entrepreneur, as a father, as a mother or as a son or daughter - thoroughly and with full devotion to bring out the best in you. I am committing and would expect you also to join the bandwagon :)

This 200th post is dedicated to the new Era in the history of India and the World! Thank you Mr. Modi for giving us hope and opportunity to better our country and thanks to all fellow Indian for choosing these representatives and the government!! 


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