Lockdown Day #2

Day two of the lockdown started with missed milk delivery. Bigbasket is struggling to keep up there delivery channel operational and resulted into not having milk at home. Thankfully, there was surplus at home, which was accumulated over last 3-4 days. It helped in getting through the morning coffee for me and Dada; and milk for my kiddo. But considering the situation, I didn't feel the milk supply would be normal for another few days. Decided to step out to get the milk.

While stepping out, quickly checked with my neighbors if they wanted to buy some milk. Intention was to help them avoid the trip outside! And it did help. 

Tried 3 different shops, only to find Amul milk in the fourth shop. Just to ensure i don't have to make another round tomorrow, have made provision for tomorrow! 

Mrunmay had his exam starting today. The school decided to use alternate ways for the exam and are sending out question paper over email to parents and we are expected to invigilate during the paper timing. I liked the thought behind it - "whatever challenge might be ahead of you, there could always be a different way to achieve the goal". While this is going to inconvenience the parents where both are working from home, but I think this is also opening up new avenues for kids to learn life lessons.

As time available has reduced due to the invigilation exercise, i found that Mrunmay is taking way more effort to help with the housework. Today, he helped with making the bed (he changed the bedsheets), put the old ones into the washing machine - on his own. He helped with making "पोळ्या" again and also helped in roasting the papad!! That was so helpful!! Finally he got what he had been craving for all through the day - some time with us. He found one of his most loved games - monopoly deal. We played only for about 30 mins, but made him so happy!!

With this lockdown, we are struggling with keeping the society functional. Last couple of days housekeeping staff couldn't reach. Yesterday, they had to go back and then took a different route to reach our society. All this while it is an essential service. Finally we have issued letters to them indicating that they are part of essential service, hoping police will allow them to function. While we need their services, we have also brought down the headcount to bare minimum and also reduced the working hours for them.

Hoping for a better tomorrow, finally ready to hit the bed!!


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