Lockdown Day #45

After the initial enthusiasm that lasted for 8 days, I got to pen down the thoughts only today. In the initial days, there was excitement about noting down the thoughts, experience for posterity. 

But on 9th day onwards realized it has become repetitive (not a surprise at all). The work - office work as well as home work started consuming most of my time. There was stress building up as Mrunmay wasn't getting enough time from us (Meghana and Me). So blogging took lower priority as compared to spending time with Mrunmay. 

While we have spent more time with him as compared any other vacation, Mrunmay is finding it very less. It is natural. Seeing your parents 16 hours in front of your eyes and still getting about 60 to 90 minutes of their time - most of the times fragmented is NOT same as seeing them for 4-5 hours and still getting 60 minutes of their time. Can't get a better way to learn/teach "Theory of Relativity"!!

Just the other day, realized that I have lost almost 3.5 Kgs of weight since the start of March (which was mostly start of self-imposed lockdown). Some reasons behind this weight loss could be:
  • Change in food habits: Outside food is completely stopped. No pizza, No burgers, No Chinese. It is all home-cooked and mostly maharashtrian - which I have been eating since childhood.
  • Changed water habit: Given that it is all summer during this lockdown, your body needs more water. Had I been in the office, I would have been chilling in the A/C. It automatically reduces the water intake. However, after locked down in the home, with no A.C. or cooler, I am drinking water more than ever. As soon as I get up in the morning, I get my water filled up and this continues until I have washed off the last utensil in the night or cleaned up the kitchen platform. A lot of sweating and a lot of water intake throughout the day!
  • Lot of work: We have given up on the material pleasures of sitting quietly after coming home, relaxing, chilling, or simply snoozing in the weekend afternoons. Apart from 8 to 9 hours of office work, the remaining time goes in cooking, cooking, cooking, cleaning, cleaning, and more cleaning. And on weekends - it is more cooking, more cleaning and also deep cleaning! It is not a joke. That is what is happening. The physical activity has gone up at least 4 times during this lockdown.
The currently extended lockdown (3.0!) is slated until the end of next week. However, it looks like shops have started opening up and people are stepping out, albeit cautiously. Now it's time to do the shopping list - mostly things that you want now to be replaced as you have used and realized they need serious attention. 

First on my list is the food processor pot! That is something I have been using every single day - almost. Its lid is broken and hence needs to be held manually and is a real pain. Next in line are the pans - all are blackened and out of shape. I have also realized that the water tap at the kitchen sink is not so friendly for controlling water force and probably needs either attention or replacement. Two of the copper bottom utensils have lost their attachment with copper and are ready to reach nirvana!

And most importantly - my ISP. The connectivity has become totally unreliable. Although I got the bandwidth bumped up at the end of March, it still gives problems. In fact, it has deteriorated over this week. While I have my doubts about reliability of other providers, I would surely give it a try with some other provider. 

What's your list of items to do at the first chance you get after lockdown is lifted?


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