Lockdown Thoughts

Since the lockdown got announced again yesterday, there is unrest and uncomfortable feeling amongst the people around.

First of all, I sense utter distrust that this lockdown is not going to be useful. If the administration couldn't set up required health infrastructure in last 100 days, how would they improve it in next 10 days? On what basis, did the government announce "unlockdown 1" and all? Many people had just started with their business and again this lockdown. 

One thing is clear to me. Lockdown or no lockdown. Social distancing is required. Wearing masks is a must. Do not let your guard down. And while taking care of your physical health, you also need to take care of your mental needs. Especially of the little ones in your house.

Mrunmay has been waiting to meet his grandparents for over three months now and was anxious to meet them in next few days hoping there would be further relaxations. They are in same city, but still we couldn't meet him. The thought to meet them crossed my mind several times. But I had controlled it until now. Meghana's parents are in susceptible age group and I didn't want to out them at risk. 

However, the additional lockdown disappointed Mrunmay so much that it somewhere shook me. Meghana felt that he deserves to see some of his favorite people. After some careful thinking finally decided to go and visit them. 

It was a good time spent with them. I realized even I felt extremely good by meeting them. 

We humans are so used to meet different people and derive joy out of it. Not seeing your loved ones for such a long time is very difficult. No technology can replace the in-person feel. It is okay to have your professional meetings virtually, but for your closed ones, you need real meetings. 

Really hoping this gets over soon and we return to normalcy.


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