पुनःश्च Lockdown

So, it is announced now. The number of cases in and around Pune were increasing continuously. Thanks to all the free flow on the streets. People giving up their precautions and pretending that the pandemic is over. When everyone should have resorted to essentials only, people were finding it brave to step out.

On a personal level, I have stepped out only for necessary thing - once every week - typically for vegetables and other perishable items such as curd. As a family, we stepped out for couple of important items - a work chair for Meghana, few utensils in the kitchen and some art material. First two items had become a priority over last 3 months. Third one was essential to keep ourselves engaged during the lockdown period. However, we ensured that we picked up only essential stuff and left the shop at the earliest. 

On the online shopping front, we ventured onto few items, but mostly those were of P1 category, if not P0. However, for all such items, we ensured that the packages were left in a corner "quarantined" for 24 hours and then only opening.

Barring one visit by Meghana to her parents, we have avoided all other visitors or temptation to visit other relatives. Our little one is extremely disappointed with this latest news of another lockdown. He was so much hoping to visit his grandparents in next couple of weeks. But looking at the situation, it would be few more weeks, before we can venture out.

I hope the administration is geared to handle this lockdown. Some mistakes are getting repeated in every lockdown. The most prominent one is to keep grocery stores shut. This forces people to hoard, stock and unnecessarily crowd the shops just before the lockdown. It is a no-brainer that this would help the spread and not help contain it. But this aspect seems to be neglected by the authorities.

I urge everyone to stay home even when the Lockdown is lifted, step out only for essentials and thus help contain the spread!!

Together, we can.  


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