Maintaining Sanity During The Lockdown

The lockdown has become "मारुतीचे शेपूट". Week after week, it is getting extended for various reasons. Earlier there was second wave. Now, there are talks about "Delta Plus" variant or third wave. No one really knows when we will be starting with normal life.

All the sincere folks are spending time indoors with minimum exposure outside. This has created a different problem. What should folks do staying at home? Initially, we consumed lot of online content. Several movies and serials. However, over a period of time, the appetite to consume more content has gone down. I am spending more time in searching what to watch than actually watching something. 

Over last few months, I have deliberately developed some different habits or hobbies, which are helping in keeping the sanity in this lockdown. 


About a year back we bought Persang Karaoke set. Mrunmay was developing some interest in singing, so it was perceived to be an apt addition to the gadgets at home. However, it so happened that Meghana and I developed keen interest in singing. Many-a-times, the weekend evenings are filled with the karaoke songs at home. It was a realisation that I could sing that well (!!). Or I would say I have been able to satisfy myself and Persang so as to get scores like this 👇


This is again a join effort with Meghana. She is "ब्रम्हा" and I am "विष्णू". It simply means she gets new plants and I look after them. We have a very good backyard. Until last year, we were relying on hired services of a gardener. However, that was a very bad experience. The gardener didn't even know when to do cutting, when to apply fertilizer. Usual experience was like:

"Should this plant be cut now?"
"Ok, I will cut it if you are saying"

"When do we administer the fertilizer?"
"will do it today sir, if you are saying"...

Finally, we decided to take control of the garden ourselves. And here is the outcome:

After doing it for few months, we have started to see some benefits. It is absolutely therapeutic to take a stroll in the backyard, check out the plants and see their growth. Now I have also started experimenting with composting. Let's see how it turns out.

This is completely Meghana's activity. She has developed good interest and skill in zentangles and mandala. A girl who was hesitating to draw, now draws various patterns and also posts on FB without any fear of getting judged. What a journey! Many-a-times in the spare time, she can be found with her set of pencils, pens and paper. Gets immersed in the drawing and the pattern. And after a while a beautiful drawing can be seen. I only envy seeing her getting so lost in that joy!! Go Girl!!!

Playing Keyboard
This is another hobby that I have picked during the lockdown. The trigger was again Mrunmay's interest in the keyboard. Since he expressed interest in learning keyboard, we had enrolled him for a class few months before the lockdown started. As part of that, we had bought the keyboard as well. It came in very handy. By taking inspiration from him, I have started playing some tunes. It may not be any closer to perfection, but it gives me joy. And that is important, isn't it?

It is important to keep on doing something different. During normal days we were exposed to different people, different environments and different experiences. With lockdown, the world has shrunk. It is upto us how to keep it expanding and how to keep experiencing different things. I bet you all also have devised ways to do some interesting stuff. I would love to hear about it. Do share!!


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